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Unexpected Path


Unexpected Path

  • dAtlantic
  • 30x30
  • Structured

dAtlantic Roman mosaic tile 30×30 carries a navy blue themed concept as the name implies, dAtlantic through the precut concept has a 5x5cm mosaic pattern which when filled with grout will bring out the feel of a navy blue themed mosaic. dAtlantic is available in 3 color options through dAtlantic Sky, dAtlantic Mix, and dAtlantic Cobalt. These three motifs can not only be used alone, they can also be combined according to the designer’s creations and tastes, especially when applied alone in large public areas such as spas, saunas, areas around swimming pools, to residential bathroom areas. Filling the grout in the precut area will affect the final result of the interior feel you want to create. For example, the use of white or blue grout will create a different impression.

  • PWA33714
  • dAtlantic Sky
  • 30x30
  • Shade variation
  • Design faces
  • PWA33715
  • dAtlantic Mix
  • 30x30
  • Shade variation
  • Design faces
  • PWA33716
  • dAtlantic Cobalt
  • 30x30
  • Shade variation
  • Design faces

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